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2013年11月27日 21:30登山川柳全体に公開

2013-11-27樹氷が花咲く、南沢山・横川山登山   The Trees were covered with snow and ice at MinamisawaMt.& YokokawaMt.

The my friend who has said luxury "the mind which goes does not have me if a view is not good." When searching with whether there is any place good [ in the place currently omitted yet ] for the friend somewhere, the Yokogawa mountain of the next door of Fujimidai was found.Seemingly, a walk with snowshoes can also be enjoyed in a snow season.He served also as the preliminary inspection and went to the Yokogawa mountain via the Minamizawa mountain from the home country natural garden in Seinaiji.

山行日 気分さわやか うきうきと
me -- always -- hiking -- feeling becomes fresh and heart beats on a day

今日もまた 元気回復 足軽く
疱疹の 痛み消えさる 山登り

踏み跡を 探してたどる 沢コース
A riverside course progresses, while stepping on and looking for marks.

渡渉あり 踏み跡見えぬ 沢コース

尾根出れば 樹林の向こうに 樹氷郡
When it appeared in the ridge, the wood of silver frost jumped into eyes and came beyond.

富士見台 樹氷の斑点 すばらしい
見ていたい この光景の すばらしさ

ガス流れ 見えてた山は 霧の中
また見える 霧流れ去る 恵那の山

あらきれい 視界開けて なおきれい
移り行く 景色はさらに 絶景に
It moves and goes. A scene is further. To an unparalleled view.

この眺め 向こうはもっと きれいかも
気がせいて 早く行きたい 頂へ
I am impatient. I would like to go early. To the top.

足早に 自然と足は 山頂へ
If I would like to see a better view from the summit of the mountain, before knowing, my leg has become early.

胸躍り 自然に足は 急ぎ足

気が付けば 往きに迂回の 堰堤が
98点 今日の登山の 満足度


ニッ にっこり シュン エッ!? ん? フフッ げらげら むぅ べー はー しくしく カーッ ふんふん ウィンク これだっ! 車 カメラ 鉛筆 消しゴム ビール 若葉マーク 音符 ハートマーク 電球/アイデア 星 パソコン メール 電話 晴れ 曇り時々晴れ 曇り 雨 雪 温泉 木 花 山 おにぎり 汗 電車 お酒 急ぐ 富士山 ピース/チョキ パンチ happy01 angry despair sad wobbly think confident coldsweats01 coldsweats02 pout gawk lovely bleah wink happy02 bearing catface crying weep delicious smile shock up down shine flair annoy sleepy sign01 sweat01 sweat02 dash note notes spa kissmark heart01 heart02 heart03 heart04 bomb punch good rock scissors paper ear eye sun cloud rain snow thunder typhoon sprinkle wave night dog cat chick penguin fish horse pig aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpius sagittarius capricornus aquarius pisces heart spade diamond club pc mobilephone mail phoneto mailto faxto telephone loveletter memo xmas clover tulip apple bud maple cherryblossom id key sharp one two three four five six seven eight nine zero copyright tm r-mark dollar yen free search new ok secret danger upwardright downwardleft downwardright upwardleft signaler toilet restaurant wheelchair house building postoffice hospital bank atm hotel school fuji 24hours gasstation parking empty full smoking nosmoking run baseball golf tennis soccer ski basketball motorsports cafe bar beer fastfood boutique hairsalon karaoke movie music art drama ticket camera bag book ribbon present birthday cake wine bread riceball japanesetea bottle noodle tv cd foot shoe t-shirt rouge ring crown bell slate clock newmoon moon1 moon2 moon3 train subway bullettrain car rvcar bus ship airplane bicycle yacht

